I forgot that I wanted to post about the reading I have been doing!!!! I haven't been a novel reader since I was about 10. In November we started a book club (by we I mean myself, Molly, Karly, Jeanine, Kelly, Heather, and Laura). We decided to give "TWILIGHT" a shot since it was all the rage. Can I tell you I LOVE that series? I have since read all 4 (they each range anywhere from 400-800 pages and it took me no more than a week per book. I HIGHLY recommend them if you like cheese or television shows aired on the WB). Since then our book club also read "Plain Truth" by Jodi Picoult (which I also recommend, great character development). I am now reading book 1 (Dark Lover) of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series as well as another Picoult book titled "Picture Perfect". Next month (with new member Meghan Conant!!!) the book club is reading "In the Company of the Courtesan" by Sarah Dunant.
What's even more exciting is that all of my night time television watching has been replaced by reading (except for The Biggest Loser on Tuesdays).
We took our favorite children to the zoo the past Saturday (Maddie, Kieran, and Connor). It was an absolute blast! I admit though, its much harder when the kids out number the adults. Lucky for us we don't plan on ever being out numbered (at least not for a few years and by then Maddie will be older and it won't be so difficult). I wanted to share some pictures from our zoo visit. You know which one Maddie is of course (the beautiful one), Kieran is the 4 year old boy and Connor is the 2 year old boy.