Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Trust in ourselves

As the year passes by I am faced with friends and family battling illness, financial hardship, and internal struggles. This Sunday Kathianne told the story of King Hezekiah from the Book of Isaiah. If you are not familiar, it is the tale of a King faced with many hardships (being a King afterall isn't easy) including illness. When faced with death he refuses to accept the fact that he is being told to get his affairs in order. He refuses to accept that his time has come. Instead he turns to the wall isolating himself. He reaches deep in to his soul. Here he is able to place complete trust and control in himself allowing his body to heal.

Some will disagree with me and say that he was "granted" 15 years more to live. Some will disagree and say that this isn't a "tale", yet a true piece of history. To each his own opinion is where I stand. I can tell you however that I believe in the power to build yourself up. I believe in the ability to take control. I also believe that there are times where we need to let go in order for things to happen.

With absolute certainty I believe that we will all pull through our current hardships. We will all see brighter days. And we will all find the reason behind our circumstances.

I love you all.

I release, and I let go. I let the Spirit* run my life. My heart is open wide. I am only here for God*.

(*as a religious scientist (not scientologist, COMPLETELY DIFFERENT) the terms Spirt and God hold reference my inner power. My complete control of my life.)

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