Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bumbershoot and such...

Kevin was chosen to be an assistant in a circus act that was performing...

Maddie worked on her first ClayMation movie...

Maddie rode a snail and got a foot massage...

We watched a VERY cool dance group perform in the fountain...

And Maddie danced her socks of to The Offspring...

but then she got sleepy...
I don't have any pictures from Death Cab but I can tell you they were AMAZING!!!!!! (Maddie unforutnately missed seeing Ben Gibbard)

1 comment:

Beth Tunnell said...

Wow! bumbershoot looks like so much fun! I've always been afraid of the crowds, but you guys did so much stuff. I don't blame maddy for getting sleepy. It's so cute when kids just cuddle up any ol' place. Too bad we lose that super power.